Contacts and Directories

Contacts and Directories

Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

375 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611-3069

(312) 503-3100


Department Name Phone Office Location
Admission & Financial Aid

(312) 503-8465

Rubloff 130

Alumni Relations

(312) 503-8494

Levy Mayer 412

Audio Visual Services

(312) 503-7001

Levy Mayer M 88

Career Strategy Center

(312) 503-3498

Levy Mayer 124

Center on Wrongful Convictions

(312) 503-2391

Rubloff 800

Continuing Legal Education

(312) 503-8932

Rubloff 542

Dean's Office

(312) 503-8460

Rubloff 235


(312) 503-7609

Levy Mayer 410


(312) 503-5753

Levy Mayer M 88

Firm and Corporate Relations

(312) 503-0473

Rubloff 542

Harry's Cafe

(312) 503-8895

Rubloff 160

Information Technology

(312) 503-7000

McCormick B71

International Programs

(312) 503-8465

McCormick 164

Journal of Criminal Law

(312) 503-8547

Rubloff 503

Journal of Human Rights

Rubloff 507

Journal of International, Law & Business

(312) 503-8742

Rubloff 505

Journal of Law and Social Policy

Rubloff 508

Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property

Rubloff 506

Law Review

(312) 503-8435

Rubloff 502

Legal Clinic (Bluhm)

(312) 503-8576

Rubloff 800

Library (Pritzker Legal Research Center)

(312) 503-8451

Rubloff L250

Marketing & Communications

(312) 503-1834

Rubloff 570D

Master of Science in Law Program

(312) 503-1281

Rubloff 141

Northwestern University Center on Law, Business, and Economics

(312) 503-1811

Rubloff 542

Office of the Registrar

(312) 503-8464

McCormick 127

Public Interest Center

Rubloff 800

Student Bar Association

(312) 503-6821

Levy Mayer B17

Student Services

(312) 503-0785

McCormick 166

Tax Program

(312) 503-3300

Rubloff 347


Faculty Profiles
Faculty Assistants
Law Staff & Faculty Directory (Facebook)  
Law Student Directory (Facebook)  
Northwestern University Directory


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