
Special Alumni Event - Professor David S. Ruder, former SEC Chairman, Delivers "Lessons from Enron: Where were the Gatekeepers?"

May 06, 2002

Office of Alumni Relations - Lessons from Enron: Where were the Gatekeepers?
May 6 2002

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In an effort to provide our alumni with greater opportunities to meet fellow alumni working in different disciplines of the law and beyond, and to renew friendships, the Alumni Association invites you to a networking reception and remarks on "Lessons from Enron: Where were the Gatekeepers?" by former SEC Chairman and William W. Gurley Memorial Professor of Law David S. Ruder.

David Ruder, former dean of the School of Law and a faculty member since 1961, served as chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from 1987 to 1989. Ruder testified before the United States Senate on February 12, 2002 about the problems raised by the collapse of Enron Corporation.

Validated parking available in garage at Superior and St. Clair Streets

Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 1 to (312)503-8494 or

Location: Law School, 375 E. Chicago Avenue, Leighton Commons

Audience: Northwestern Law community
Location: RB 239 (Faculty Commons)
For more info: (312) 503-8494
Time: 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm


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