
Faculty Get Lesson in Small Business Education at Law Conference

April 16, 2006

Northwestern Law's Small Business Opportunity Center (SBOC), in cooperation with other area law schools, will host a workshop conference for law school faculty and administrators from around the nation to explore cutting edge issues in entrepreneurship education.

The "Teaching Entrepreneurship and Exempt Organization Law" conference will take place Friday, April 7, at the School of Law, 357 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill. Participation is by invitation only.

Lloyd Shefsky, clinical professor of entrepreneurship at the Kellogg School of Management and founding partner Shefsky & Froelich, will present a keynote speech titled "Precedent—Nexus or Nemesis, Teaching Entrepreneurship—to Law Students and Lawyers."

The conference is jointly sponsored by the law schools of Northwestern University, DePaul University, Loyola University, and the University of Chicago with additional support from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City.

The SBOC is a nonprofit, student-based clinical program affiliated with the Bluhm Legal Clinic. The SBOC gives law students, working under the supervision of professors, the opportunity to provide affordable legal services to entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations focusing on job creation and economic development in the Chicago area. For more information, visit the SBOC Web site.

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