
Latino Heritage Week 2001

October 29, 2001

A distinguished series of speakers were featured Oct. 29- Nov. 2 during the Law School's first Latino Heritage Week.

Several guest speakers from the Chicago legal community discussed minority related issues and promoted the active role of Latinos and other minorities in the field of law. Marty Castro, democratic candidate for the 4th congressional district of Ill. delivered the keynote address "The Lawyer as a Community Leader" at noon on Monday Oct. 29.

Attorneys from Chicago firms Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal and Castro Gomez Durbin & De Jesus, LLC, discussed "The Changing Face of the Legal Profession" with Leticia Magdaleno from the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education on Tuesday. On Wednesday, U.S. District Court Judges Ruben Castillo and Matthew Kennelly joined Circuit Court of Cook County Judges David Delgado and Jesse Reyes in a panel discussion titled "Views from the Bench: Judges' Perspectives on Diversity in the Courtroom." Each panel was open to the public and took place at noon at the Law School.

The week's activities ended Friday with a 2:30 p.m. showing of "The Blue Diner (La fonda azul)" an award-winning comedy-drama produced and written by Natacha Estebanez and directed by Jan Egleson.

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