
Northwestern Law Professors Honored at the Annual ABA Meeting in Chicago

August 03, 2001

Northwestern law faculty will speak and be honored during the ABA's Annual Meeting, which takes place in Chicago, August 2-8.

August 3
5:30-7:00 p.m.
Law School Atrium

Victor Rosenblum, the Nathaniel L. Nathanson Professor of Law, will be honored by the Administrative Law Section of the ABA. Please join the Law School community and the Administrative Law Section of the ABA in the to recognize Professor Rosenblum for his significant contributions to the field of Administrative Law.

August 4
3:45 p.m. - 5:15
University of Chicago

Bernardine Dohrn will participate in the panel "Call to Action: Young Refugees without Justice in America." This program will focus on the issue of unaccompanied children through a panel discussion and will examine pending legislation that would give these children the right to counsel. It will also highlight the variety of ways that lawyers can make a difference in the lives of unaccompanied children.

August 5
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Northwestern University, Rubloff 140/150

Bernardine Dohrn will participate in a panel titled "Immigration Summit for the Training of Pro Bono Attorneys in the Representation of Unaccompanied Children." This summit will training lawyers who are interested in volunteering to represent unaccompanied children in administative deportation hearings before Department of Justice Immigration Judges. The training will focus on immigration law and remedies pertaining to children in INS custody, psychosocial and ethical issues affecting this population and special trial advocacy considerations for INS hearings. Lawyers from sites with INS detention are especially needed (Chicago, LA, Miami, San Diego, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Spokane,Atlanta, and El Paso)

11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Gleicher Center

Steven Lubet will give the John C. Shepherd Memorial Lecture titled "Imagination in the Courtroom" and will focus on the intersection of cognition theory and advocacy.

2:00-5:00 p.m.
Hyatt Regency

Steve Drizin is speaking on an ABA CLE program panel that will discuss "The Execution of Children: Another Kind of Innocence." Topics include the juvenile death penalty, relevant domestic and international law, and how lawyers can play a role in ending this human rights abuse.

Swissotel, Edelweiss Penthouse, 43rd floor

Tom Geraghty, director of the Bluhm Legal Clinic, and his wife Diane Geraghty, director of the Loyola Civitas Child Law Program, will be honored by the Criminal Justice Section of the ABA at the 2001 Livingston Hall Juvenile Justice Award Ceremony and Reception 5. Please join us to recognize their outstanding dedication and commitment to improving the juvenile justice system. RSVP by calling 202-662-1506.

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