
Faculty, Student, and Staff Team Leadership Awards

April 17, 2001

Students, faculty, and staff packed the Law School atrium on Tuesday, April 17, to honor one another with the SBA's newly created Team Leadership Awards. The awards honor those at the Law School who have gone above and beyond to create a supportive and cooperative learning environment that fosters mutual respect for differing ideas, perspectives, and backgrounds.

The student body voted to name some of the awards in honor of particular faculty members. SBA President Isaac Robinson began the ceremony by presenting plaques to Professor Joyce A Hughes (left), Professor Thomas F. Geraghty, and Professor Robert W. Bennett.

Each academic year the Hughes Leadership Award will be presented to two LLMs; the Geraghty Leadership Award will be presented to two first-year students; and the Bennett Group Leadership awards will be presented to two student organizations and their advisers. Several other student leadership awards and faculty and staff appreciation awards were also presented. Awards and recipients are listed below.

Joyce A. Hughes Leadership Award

Yueh-hsun Tsai
Joel M. Cullin

Thomas F. Geraghty Leadership Award

Richard Hayes
Roxanne Torabian-Bashardoust

Marc Pachon
Blair Jamal Shaw

Robert W. Bennett Outstanding
Student Organization Award

Small Business Opportunity Center
Adviser: Thomas Morsch

Student Board:
Marybelle Ang
Christopher Cedillo
Andrew Christensen
Kerry Connell
Drew Edwards
Marc Effron
David Gaffin
Sarah Harris
Leslie Hauser
Michelle Hayden
Tesha McCord
Karen Roter

Asian Pacific American Law
Students Association

Adviser: Stefan Griffin

Student Board:
Linus Chan
Janice Cho
Brian Chun
Paul Jin
Andrew Kang
Jina Kim
Christine Lee
Joseph Lee
Justin Ma
Jyoti Nanda
David Ono
Isaac Robinson
Terry Ryan

Diversity Coalition
Adviser: Theresa Cropper

Student Board:
Roman Hoyos
Jennifer Hubbard
Katie O'Halleran
Jyoti Nanda
Faiza Shirazi
Rowena Villanueva
Dawn Yuster

International Law Society
Adviser: Carole Silver

Student Board:
Anjali Aggarwal
Jennifer Heil
Matthew Huff
Greta Jacobs
Amanda Kastello
Kelly Koeppl
Christopher Lalan
Priya Marwah
Marc Pachon
Sarah Prepas
Nadia Sarkis

Harold Washington Leadership Award
Holly Travis
Rowena Villanueva


Joseph Lee
Roxanne Torabian-Bashardoust

George McClellan Leadership Award

Brian Weinthal

Bernadette Cruz
Asra Kamal

Graduate Program in Law and Business Leadership Award

Maria Claudia Castro
Albert Vincent
Yu Chang
Amy Sherman Team Leadership Award

Scott Colwell
Kathryn Doi
Daphne Frydman
Mike Mandel
Jyoti Nanda
Moe Pataky
Rachel Pernic
Lisa Schultz
Rowena Villanueva

Paul Chadha
Joseph S. Lee
Tiana Lee
Kathryn Holahan
Matthew R. Huff
Jeff Pietsch
Isaac Robinson
Stephen Schmidt
Seth Schwartz
Website of the Year Award

Mark Hamill

SBA Faculty Appreciation Award
Len Rubinowitz
Victor Rosenblum
Christopher Bracey
Lawrence C. Marshall
SBA Staff Appreciation Award
Bard R. Ferrall
Kathleen Franzoni
Sandra Moffett
Ernesto Perez
Tim Brennan
Ping Ng
  • Categories: