
New Library Exhibit Honors Professor David S. Ruder

April 06, 2001

Prof David Ruder

A new display in the entrance to the library honors the work and contribution of Professor David S. Ruder while serving as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman from 1987 to 1989. Pictures of Professor Ruder with President Reagan and other top SEC officials as well as plaques honoring his distinguished service as the SEC chairman are featured in the exhibit.

Library staff members Nancy Armstrong, Associate Director for Reference and Instructional Services; Diane Hren, Circulation Assistant; and Alexis Burson, Processing Assistant, arranged the exhibit, which contains memorabilia of Professor Ruder's time at the SEC.

Professor Ruder, the William W. Gurley Memorial Professor of Law, has been a member of the faculty at Northwestern Law since 1961, and he served as dean of the Law School from 1977 to 1985. He teaches and writes in the corporate and securities law area. Professor Ruder is a Trustee of the Financial Accounting Foundation and a Trustee of the International Accounting Standards Committee. He is Chairman of the Mutual Fund Directors Education Council and is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society. From 1990 to 1993 he served as a member of the Board of Governors of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

This exhibit is just one of the rotating exhibits the library staff creates for the display case each year. In February the exhibit celebrated Black History Month, and in March items from the countries visited for the International Team Projects were displayed. After the Garrett Institute has concluded and just in time for graduation, the exhibit will feature memorabilia of John Henry Wigmore.

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