
Julius H. Miner Moot Court Competition

March 02, 2001

Photo by Jim Ziv

Steven Swaney '02 and David Winters '02 and Deepa Vora '02 and Benjamin Chiang '02 participated in the final round of the 38th Annual Julius H. Miner Moot Court Competition in front of a packed house in Lincoln Hall on Friday, March 2. U.S. Circuit Judge Danny J. Boggs, U.S. Circuit Judge Diane P. Wood, and U.S. Circuit Judge Arthur J. Gajarsa heard the final round.

Photo by Jim Ziv

After a welcome and synopsis of the case, Swaney and Winters presented arguments for petitioner Wigmore Children's Museum, and Vora and Chiang presented arguments for respondent James Gustoferson. Swaney and Winters ultimately won the round and were given the William Jennings Bryan Award for the Miner Moot Court Champions of 2001. Vora, however, received the International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award for Best Speaker in the Final Round. The judges said they were extremely impressed with both teams' work. Elizabeth Olson '02 and Kelly Begg '02 did not participate in the final round but did receive the Adlai E. Stevenson II Award for Best Brief.

Photo by Jim Ziv

More than 150 Northwestern law alumni acted as judges for this year's Miner Moot Court Competition, which is held in honor of Judge Miner who received an LLM degree from Northwestern in 1945. Judge Miner's widow, Judith Miner (below), set up the competition in his honor after his death in 1963, and she continues to play an active role. We are extremely grateful to Mrs. Miner and the entire Miner family for their continued support of this competition.

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