
Dean's Letter: Welcome Back to Spring Semester 2001!

January 09, 2001

Welcome Back to Northwestern Law!

Welcome back for the spring semester! Given the Chicago weather, "spring" is something of a misnomer, but I am optimistic that it will warm up soon. I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are ready for an active and productive semester.

Please join me in welcoming this semester’s visiting professors. One is new to Northwestern Law and two are returning.

Photo of Gerald Rosenberg, Jack N. Pritzker Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law

Gerald N. Rosenberg, associate professor of political science and lecturer in law at the University of Chicago, is visiting this spring semester as the Jack N. Pritzker Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law. He will be teaching Constitutional Law and a course on U.S. Courts.

A Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude graduate of Dartmouth College, he earned a master's degree in politics and philosophy from Oxford University, a law degree from the University of Michigan and a doctorate in political science from Yale University. His work has appeared in the University of Chicago Law Review, the University of Virginia Law Review, Law & Social Inquiry, Supreme Court Review, the Journal of Supreme Court History, The Green Bag, and other law reviews and journals. He has contributed to multiple edited collections and is the author of The Hollow Hope: Can Courts Bring About Social Change?

Gerald’s office is LM 275, his phone number is 3-3235, and his e-mail address is

Photo of Claire Hill, Visiting Professor

Claire Hill Claire Hill, an assistant professor of law at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, visited Northwestern Law this summer and taught Business Associations. She has returned for the spring semester to teach Corporate Transactions.

Claire received a BA and MA in philosophy from the University of Chicago, a JD from American University, Washington College of Law, and an LLM and JSD from Columbia University School of Law. Before entering academia, Professor Hill practiced law in the corporate departments of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy in New York; Dickstein, Shapiro & Morin in Washington, D.C.; and Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson in New York City.

Claire’s office is LM 267, her phone number is 3-3227, and her e-mail address is

Photo of Wayne Lewis

Wayne K. Lewis visited Northwestern in fall 1999 when he taught Commercial Law: Sales. He is returning to the Law School for the spring semester to teach Negotiable Instruments. Wayne is associate dean and professor of law at DePaul University College of Law where he teaches Contracts, Sales, Commercial Paper and Consumer Protection.

He is a multiple recipient of the College of Law and University’s Excellence in Teaching Awards and has twice served as Professor-Reporter for the Regional Seminar Committee on Commercial Litigation for the Illinois Judicial Conference. He received a BA in history, cum laude from Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey and his JD from Cornell Law School.

Wayne’s office is Rubloff 225, his phone number is 3-3253, and his e-mail address I

This spring we also have one visiting assistant professor:
Brendan Cummins is visiting from the law firm of Miller, O'Brien & Bloom in Minneapolis. He will be teaching First Amendment Law in the spring semester.

Brendan received a BA in English with honors, and a BA in Hispanic Literature and Culture, from Brown University where he was a Rhodes Scholarship finalist. He received his JD from Yale Law School. He has taught private sector labor law at the University of Minnesota, Labor Education Service, and the Carlson School of Management.

Brendan’s office is LM 273, his phone number is 3-3233, and his e-mail address is

Welcome to Northwestern Law!

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