
Northwestern Law Teaches High Schoolers Lessons Outside the Classroom

November 07, 2005

Northwestern Law's Bluhm Legal Clinic will host high school students from North Shore Country Day School for a week-long visit to give students a firsthand look at the Law School and learn about Chicago 's courts system.

During their visit, Nov. 7-11, North Shore students will be teamed with lawyers and clinic law students and spend the week touring local juvenile and criminal courts, attending Northwestern Law classes, and participating in Public Interest Law Week lectures and events. Students will also have the rare opportunity to view oral arguments being held by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit at the Law School on Nov. 10.

The program is part of North Shore 's “Interim Week,” during which students set aside regularly scheduled classes to participate in in-depth learning experiences outside the classroom. At the end of each year's Interim Week, each student presents their experience through a report and discussion format to parents, teachers and other students on Interim Night.

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