Search Faculty Publications
- Categorical Closure: Transitivity and Identities in Longitudinal Networks, 79 Social Networks 76 (2024) (Co-authored by: Chen-Shuo Hong, Anthony Paik, Swethaa Ballakrishnen & Steven Boutcher).
- Who Uses the U.S.? Law Firms, Globalization, and Approaches to Presence in the U.S., 28 Southwestern Journal of International Law 276 (2023).
Op-Eds/Blog Posts/Popular Press
- ’What’s in a Name?’: Titles and Entitlement in the Legal Academy, JOTWELL (Jan. 3, 2023) (reviewing Rachel López, Unentitled: The Power of Designation in the Legal Academy, 73 RUTGERS L. REV. 923 (2021)).
- Where Do We Go from Here? International Students, Post-Pandemic Law Schools, and the Possibilities of Universal Design, 8 Canadian Journal of Comparative & Contemporary Law 313 (2022) (Co-authored by: Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen).
-, 18 Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property 265 (2021) (Co-authored by: Bruce A. Green).
- Inequality in the Legal Academy – Gaining Insight into the Unequal Profession, JOTWELL (Jan. 8, 2021).
Op-Eds/Blog Posts/Popular Press
- Rethinking Fundamentals? Law School and Mental Health, Jotwell (Nov. 17, 2021).
- LSSSE’s Challenge: Gaining Recognition in the Wake of U.S. News & World Report, 69 Journal of Legal Education 445 (2020).
Contributions to Books
- Language, Culture, and the Culture of Language: International JD students in U.S. Law Schools, in Power, Legal Education, And Law School Cultures (Meera E. Deo, Mindie Lazarus-Black & Elizabeth Mertz eds. 2020) (Co-authored by: Swethaa Ballakrishnen).
- A New Minority? International JD Students in US Law Schools, 44 Law & Social Inquiry 647 (2019) (Co-authored by: Swethaa Ballakrishnen).
- A New Minority? International JD Students in US Law Schools, UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper No. 2019-12, Northwestern Public Law Research Paper No. 19-07, ___ Law & Social Inquiry ___ (forthcoming 2019) (Co-authored by: Swethaa Ballakrishnen).
- Sticky Floors, Springboards, Stairways & Slow Escalators: Mobility Pathways and Preferences of International Students in U.S. Law Schools, 3 University of California Irvine Journal of International, Transnational, & Comparative Law 39 (2018) (Co-authored by: Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen).
- Introduction: Law & Society in the Context of East Asia, 12 University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review 353 (2017).
- Too Many Lawyers? The Future of The Legal Profession (Routledge 2017) (Co-authored by: Eyal Katvan, Neta Ziv, and Avrom Sherr).
- What We Know and Need to Know About Global Lawyer Regulation, 67 South Carolina Law Review 461 (2016).
- What Firms Want: Investigating Globalization’s Influence on the Market for Lawyers in Korea, 28 Columbia Journal of Asian Law 1 (2014).
- Learning From and About the Numbers, 5 Journal of Law: A Periodical Laboratory of Legal Scholarship 53 (2015) (Co-authored by: Louis Rocconi).
- Transnational Legal Practice, 49 International Lawyer 413 (2015).
- Perspectives on International Students’ Interest in U.S. Legal Education: Shifting Incentives and Influence, 49 New England Law Review 461 (2015).
- Globalization and the Monopoly of ABA-Approved Law Schools: Missed Opportunities or Dodged Bullets?, 82 Fordham Law Review 2869 (2014).
- Gaining from the System: Lessons from the Law School Survey of Student Engagement About Student Development in Law School, University of St. Thomas Law Review (2013) (Co-authored by: Louis Rocconi, Heather Haeger and Lindsay Watkins).
- States Side Story: ‘I like to be in America:’ Career Paths of International LLM Students, 80 Fordham Law Review 2383 (2012).
- Getting real about globalization and legal education: potential and perspectives for the U.S., 24 Stanford Law & Policy Review 457 (2013).
- Gender and Global Lawyering: Where are the Women?, 20 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 1139 (2013) (Co-authored by: Steven Boutcher).
- Globalization and the Business of Law: Lessons for Legal Education, 28 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 399-414 (2008) (Co-authored by: David Van Zandt, and Nicole De Bruin ).
- Local Matters: Internationalizing Strategies for U.S. Law Firms, 14 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 67-93 (2007).
- Flattening the World of Legal Services? The Ethical and Liability Minefields of Offshoring Legal Services , 38 Georgetown Journal of International Law 401 (2007) (Co-authored by: Mary Daly) Available at SSRN:
- Flattening the World of Legal Services? The Ethical and Liability Minefields of Offshoring Legal Services reprinted, Bna Corporate Practice Series On Legal Ethics For In-house Corporate Counsel (2007) Available at SSRN:
- Translating the U.S. LLM Experience: The Need for a Comprehensive Examination, 2006 Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy 3 (Co-authored by: Mayer Freed ).
- Internationalizing U.S. Legal Education: A Report on the Education of Transnational Lawyers, 14 Cardozo Journal of International And Comparative Law 143-175 (2006).
- Winners and Losers in the Globalization of Legal Services: Situating the Market for Foreign Lawyers, 45 Virginia Journal of International Law 897-934 (2005).
- Regulating International Lawyers: The Legal Consultant Rules, 27 Houston Journal of International Law 527-577 (2005).
- Regulatory Mismatch in the International Market for Legal Services, 23 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 487 (2003).
- Transnational Legal Practice: Cross-Border Legal Services: 2002 Year-in-Review, 37 International Lawyer 987 (2003) (Co-authored by: Robert Lutz, Philip von Mehren, Laurel Terry, and Peter Ehrenhaft).
- The Case of the Foreign Lawyer: Internationalizing the U.S. Legal Profession, 25 Fordham International Law Journal 1039-1084 (2002).
- The MDP Challenge in the Context of Globalization, 52 Case Western Reserve Law Review 903-942 (2002) (Co-authored by: Bryant G. Garth).
Contributions to Books
- Of Brain Surgeons and Barber Shops: The Economic Consequences of MDPs on the Legal Profession, in Multidisciplinary Practices and Partnerships: Lawyers, Consultants, and Clients (Stephen J. McGarry ed. 2002) (Co-authored by: Bryant Garth).
- Adventures in Comparative Legal Studies: Studying Singapore, 51 Journal of Legal Education 75-90 (2001).
Contributions to Books
- Lawyers on Foreign Ground, in Careers In International Law, 2nd ed. 1-21 (Mark W. Janis and Salli A. Swartz eds. 2001) .
- Globalization and the U.S. Market in Legal Services-Shifting Identities, 31 Law And Policy In International Business 1093-1150 (2000) .