
U.S. Securities and Exchange Chairwoman Laura S. Unger Speaks at the Garrett Corporate and Securities Law Institute

April 19, 2001

U.S. Securities and Exchange Chairwoman Laura S. Unger, (pictured above with Northwestern Law Professor and former SEC Chairman David S. Ruder) and other senior SEC staff members participated in the 21st Annual Ray Garrett Jr. Corporate and Securities Law Institute held on April 19 and 20 at Northwestern University School of Law.

Unger delivered the keynote address "How Can Analysts Maintain Their Independence?" on Thursday, April 19. (Read more about the commissioner's speech in the New York Times.)

Sponsored by the Corporate Counsel Center at the Law School, the Garrett Institute advises private practitioners and corporate counsel about issues confronting publicly and privately held corporations.

"One of our goals at Northwestern is to bring business and legal leaders together to understand and develop responses to critical issues," said Dean David E. Van Zandt. "And this conference is a prime example."

"Lawyers who want to be at the leading edge of their practices attend the Institute," said David S. Ruder, former SEC chairman and William W. Gurley Memorial Professor of Law at Northwestern.

This year's Garrett Institute offered corporate and securities lawyers the opportunities to meet, see, and hear the SEC's top officials. SEC senior staff members who participated included: David M. Becker, general counsel; Michael McAlevey, deputy director of the Division of Corporation Finance; Lynn E. Turner, chief accountant; Richard H, Walker, director of the Division of Enforcement.

The Annual Ray Garrett Jr. Corporate and Securities Institute was established in memory of Ray Garrett Jr., who was chair of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, a member of the Law School faculty and a partner in the Chicago offices of Gardner, Carton & Douglas.

The Corporate Counsel Center was established in 1984 to assist corporate counsel in addressing the complex questions that confront the business community today. Its executive director is Pete Wentz, associate dean for Executive and Professional Education and Communications at the Law School.

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